Mountain Science



In October 2014 Melanie went to the Himalayas attempting to climb Putha Hiunchuli (7246m).  This was the biggest expedition, and highest peak, she had ever attempted.  As part of this trip she developed some educational resources on the science behind some of the things you might want to think about if you’re venturing into the mountains – like the bright sunlight or the intense cold.  Melanie worked with Anturus, the education adventure people, to develop and distribute educational resources on her return.

Unfortunately the team were unable to climb Putha Hiunchuli, being unable to even reach base camp when they were caught in Cyclone Hudhud. See Melanie’s brief blog post on what happened and watch the film below. You can also catch the trailer above. The film and associated educational resources are perfect for science clubs, giving students an insight into science in the real world alongside an appreciation of what to expect on an expedition – and that in science and exploration things don’t always go to plan!

Find the Mountain Science resources on the Anturus website and check out my blogs section for results of the experiments I did on the mountain.

Watch the full film (35 minutes):


Thanks to the supporters of the Mountain Science educational resources:

